
Display the Availability Search with the shortcode: [availability_search]

Using the standard shortcode without any attribute will display the Availability Search using your settings. Parameters in the shortcode will be prioritised over the default settings. This way you can have multiple Availability Searches on the same page with different configurations

Shortcode attributes overview

Mix and match any of these Availability Search attributes inside the shortcode to configure the search to your needs.

This is a quick overview, you can read about each attribute in detail.

Calendar Date Picker mode

Calendar Range mode:
[availability_search datepicker="range"]

Calendar Single mode:
[availability_search datepicker="single"]

Limit Results by Categories

Enable a category dropdown for customers:
[availability_search category_selector="dropdown"]

Enable a category radio inputs for customers:
[availability_search category_selector="radio"]

Limit by Category:
[availability_search category_include="your-category-slug, category-2"]

Subcategories in the dropdown:
[availability_search category_include="parent-slug" category_subcategory="true" ]

Keyword Search

Keyword Search Flexible Match:
[availability_search keyword="flexible"]

Keyword Search Strict Match:
[availability_search keyword="strict"]

Display Search Results on a Different Page

Use the shortcode to act as a filter only. This means that customers can select their dates and then be redirect to another page. The results page should have another Availability Search shortcode on it. The data will automatically be prefilled from the first search and the customers will be shown the results on this results page.

[availability_search results_page="/results/"]

Automatically load The results straight away.

Search on load allows you to selective make a single shortcode search and display results. This will happen as soon as the customer loads the page. Search on load is also a global setting in the Availbility Search, but using it on the shortcode level will allow to mix and match.

[availability_search search_on_load="true"]

Automatically apply dates in the Datepicker.

By default when customers are selecting dates in the date picker they will need to click the apply button. Once the apply button is click the searching starts. We can change this behavior and let the date picker automatically apply the dates. The dates are applied as soon as the customer clicks the end date in a date range, or the single date. We recommend this if you have mobile users.

[availability_search auto_apply_dates="true"]

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